Feb 262018

Letterer Greg Deng came through big time, delivering the finalized pages for Dr. Fizz earlier this month. This means that all the book needs now is a final logo and cover lock down, and little things like graphic design for the inside covers and such.

Here is the lettered page one of Dr. Fizz (You can click on it for a larger image):

I’ve been sharing some of the little bumps along the way as we have been putting these books together, and getting Dr. Fizz ready for print was no exception. It took a bit of Post-Production (IE moving bits and cropping in Photoshop [or a Photoshop alternative]) to get the pages in the correct spec for printing, but that part was actually fun.

It was also an opportunity to tweak little things that were found throughout production that we wanted to correct or change. For example, we are trying to put an actual list in that book in panel 3. I mean, what’s a list of cities without Albuquerque on it, am I right?

This also means that a preview copy of the completed book is now available to respectable media reviewers! If you have a blog, YouTube channel or such and would like to help us pimp our book, feel free to contact Moby’s! at mobyshsx@gmail.com.


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