Aug 142018

We are only a week or so away from launching our first Kickstarter, and have chosen ‘Sissonne’ to be our first major release!


Below is a preview of the beginning of the book, we hope you enjoy these few pages. If you would like updates, feel free to join the newsletter, the sign up form is right there to the right. And thank you for checking out our website!

Mar 252018

Isn’t it bad enough that you’re secret identity is blown and you’ve been fired from your ‘jerb’?

Why do you have to also run into your brand new ex-girlfriend with…that guy…

All art and colors are done for Sissone #1! Just waiting for letters then the aging in the Pinot casks. Nothing less than perfection!

Feb 032018

And is actually up to page 16 already…I really need to post more often. The art looks fantastic, I cannot thank our artist on Sissonne, Reinaldo, enough for his effort. We even have a colorist, Steve Canon!

So, here is a sneak peek at some of the art for Sissonne, I hope you enjoy it!

You can click on the picture for a larger image.

So basically Sissonne is one of the Vigilante’s that inhabit Grand City, ‘The Greatest City in the World’. It just also to have had a very large problem with crime and that led the mayor to legalizing ‘superheroes’, aka vigilantes. Some are legit, with major powers, some are a bit more…not so special, shall we say. 

Sissonne falls in the middle of this pack. He has a legitimate super talent, but one that is a bit more than off center. You see, he has the ability to use ballet dancing as a superior form of martial art. Or as he puts it, he can pirouette your ass into the middle of next week. 

More to come…

Dec 202017

I blame the Avengers for Sissone. You see, the first book into production was Dr. Fizz, and that one is set in a great city called Grand City, and in Grand City there are a lot of superheroes. Tons of them, some more legit than others.

So, I figured it would be cool to have a sort of companion to Dr. Fizz running around Grand City, and they could occasionally cross paths, maybe be the Grand City Avengers or some such. So I came up with a story concept, but no particular superhero to play the part. I believe the idea centered around his ‘powers’ being somehow embarrassing, thus causing a rift between him and his girl. Somehow I ended up pitching this to Lee Newman and, from some sick corner of his mind, he came back a day later ready to write about a superhero with the power of…Ballet Dancing.

I know what you are thinking, I was too at first. But then I read the four page treatment Lee had produced and nearly fell over laughing. It was a great character, and sure enough his ‘power’ was causing his personal life some grief. I shared the four pages with three people, and it was unanimous…they wanted to see more of this Sissone guy.

The project is ready to begin after the New Year I think. We have the script and the artist picked out, so for now we are just going to take a last look at the characters before we begin. I’ll be sure to post some characters for you when we have them locked down.