Mar 022018

Sadly, it has come time to move on and look for a new artist for the Sim Project. Life happens and sometimes things don’t go as planned. As I often say, no worries.

Ryan did deliver 6 pages of art for the book, and I have decided to share one of them. I truly liked Ryan’s minimalism and his use of greys and negative panels. It worked so well with the script. Here is page 2, by Ryan Sandagon.

Basically, Dave (the Sim) needs a programmer that can understand some pretty serious stuff, and he needs that programmer in a REALLY bad way. To start today, immediately. In short, he’s not having a lot of luck finding the right candidate to hire, and it’s safe to say he’s not real happy with that guy right there.

Remind you of any interviews you’ve had? 

 Posted by at 6:58 am

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